Tó daniidlį' nilį' | Be a Water Historian
Everyone has a story to tell. Recording stories from your family, friends, and people in your community is an important part of understanding history in your town. In this activity, you will learn how to be a good interviewer so that you can help preserve amazing stories from your community! Text is in Navajo and English.

We are Water Coloring and Activity Book 2 | Navajo & English
This coloring and activity book includes Southwest themed coloring pages, connect the dots activities, mazes, and matching games. Text is in Navajo and English.

Un jardín de forma de wafle
La gente indígena del suroeste de los Estados Unidos, incluyendo los Diné (Navajo), A:shiwi (Zuni), Zia Pueblo y Laguna Pueblo, han utilizado durante generaciones un método agrícola de probada eficacia conocido como Un jardín de forma de wafle para cultivar con éxito en el entorno semiárido. Esta técnica centenaria integra los ciclos de las…

Waffle Garden
Indigenous peoples of the American Southwest, including the Diné (Navajo), A:shiwi (Zuni), Zia Pueblo, and Laguna Pueblo, have been using a time-tested agricultural method known as a waffle garden to successfully grow crops in the semi-arid environment for generations. This centuries-old technique integrates the cycles of the seasons and…

Sé un héroe del ecosistema del agua
Combate la contaminación del agua jugando en equipo y sal de casa para Buscar un Polinizador

Be a Water Ecosystem Hero
Work with a partner to protect a river from water pollution in a collaborative board game. Search for evidence of pollinators in your backyard and draw what you find. And learn about the connections between water, pollution and pollinators.

We are Water Coloring and Activity Book 2 | Libro para pintar y hacer actividades 2
This coloring and activity book includes Southwest themed coloring pages, connect the dots activities, mazes, and matching games. Text is in English and Spanish.

Sé un/a Historiador/a del Agua
Toda persona tiene una historia que contar. Registrar las historias de tus familiares y amigos y las personas de tu comunidad es fundamental para conocer la historia de tu pueblo. Esta actividad le enseña a ser un/a buen/a entrevistador/a.

Be a Water Historian
Everyone has a story to tell. Recording stories from your family, friends, and people in your community is an important part of understanding history in your town. In this activity, you will learn how to be a good interviewer so that you can help preserve amazing stories from your community!

¡Sé un detective del agua!
Ser un detective del agua significa ser un buen observador. Los y las detectives del agua se fijan no solo en cómo el agua cambia la superficie de nuestro planeta, pero también en cómo el agua soporta la vida terrestre y es en turno afectada a su por los seres vivos que llaman a la Tierra su hogar.

We are Water Coloring and Activity Book 1 | Libro para pintar y hacer actividades 1
This coloring and activity book includes Southwest themed coloring pages, Color By Number, I Spy games and Word Search games. Text is in English and Spanish.