What Does the Future Hold?
In the final video lecture of the series, Eric Gordon and Anne Gold from CIRES wrap up the series by giving an overview of the previous lectures and discussing possibilities of future challenges facing water in the west.

Impacts of Climate Change in the Interior West
This video features Eric Gordon, who delivers a lecture on the effects that climate change will have on water in the Western United States. This is part of the Water in the Western US lecture series.

Climate in the Western US and Water Resources
Jeff Lukas with Western Water Assessment discusses how the climate of the Western United States affects the availability of water resources. Learn more about the natural processes that drive our water cycle in the Western United States. This video is part of the Water in the Western US lecture series.

Baking the Bread Basket: Drought in the Heartland
From scorching July heat to well-below-average summer rainfall, NOAA’s Deke Arndt, Chief of the Climate Monitoring Branch at the National Climatic Data Center, recaps summer climate conditions across the United States. Running time: 3:02

Changing Planet: Withering Crops
This video examines what will happen to crops as Earth's temperature rises and soils dry out because of changing climate. Video length: 5:50 min.

The Water Cycle
This activity was developed to give participants an understanding of Earth's water cycle by completing a WebQuest and building a model of the water cycle. This activity takes 1 hour.

The Water Cycle
This visualization, from the US Geological Survey, provides a simple schematic of the various pathways that water can take as it cycles through ocean, lakes, atmosphere, surface and ground.

Elementary GLOBE Water Module
Students learn about the water cycle and hydrology through a series of three lessons, two coloring book pages, and an e-Book. The themes covered in this resource tie into Climate Science and fundamental climate principles, as well as, engages students in scientific methods. This series of activities takes a minimum of six 30-45 mins class…

Colorado River water supply
This activity addresses climate change impacts that affect all states that are part of the Colorado River Basin and are dependent on its water. Students examine available data, the possible consequences of changes to various user groups, and suggest solutions to adapt to these changes. Activity takes about one-two class periods and homework…